Social media, is it really social???

Is social media really social??? Technology has advanced so much that we do almost everything via a computer. The good old days of face-to-face connections have been decreased largely because it’s cheaper and easier to communicate via technology without lifting our bums.

We have become rather reliant on the use of technology; if our emails don’t go through we apologize for not communicating the message due to technology being “down”. Why has it become so difficult for society to go back to making real efforts to communicate without technology?

Yes, technology does carry out effective messages needed, but sometimes it’s the human factor and face-to-face connection that is sometimes needed to close the deal. Humanity needs to not only rely on technology, and communicate the way it used to be. Pick  up the phone, go visit and make the extra efforts  to make the connections with others without only using technology tools to do so for you.

Socialising should consist of socialising physically, not using social media tools to pretend to be actively involved in socialising. Surely socialising isnt sitting infront of a PC practicing social media….. it’s socially meeting others to communicate.